
In this track you will learn the strategic and practical approaches to software testing and test case design, based on the underlying software development methodology.

Improve Test Strategies and Outcomes with Mind Maps

Do you ever sit in test strategy or test plan review sessions and get little or no participation from others? Are you looking for a better way to communicate important information around the test plan or strategy? Do you want your stakeholders to understand and engage in providing feedback and suggestions? Jennifer Bonine of tap|QA […]

Today’s Regression Automation Challenge for CI/CD

Regression Automation is all over the map today. The software testing world is way more varied than people think. Some organizations have thousands of tests constantly running on all kinds of VMs taking multiple days to execute, while others have no test automation at all. Any hope of Continuous Delivery or Pipeline Automation makes this […]

Workshop: Test Case Design Intensive – Advanced

Many testers think they know how to write test cases. Writing great test cases is difficult but they are a valuable asset. In the new normal of Agile, continuous testing, rapid delivery, “automate everything,” lean documentation development lifecycles- you may not think there is time for thoughtful, intelligent test design. It is essential. Excellent test […]

Workshop: Test Case Design Intensive – Basics

Many testers think they know how to write test cases. Writing great test cases is difficult but they are a valuable asset. In the new normal of Agile, continuous testing, rapid delivery, “automate everything,” lean documentation development lifecycles- you may not think there is time for thoughtful, intelligent test design. It is essential. Excellent test […]

Modern Testing Teams and Strategies

The pipeline is moving faster, the business is growing and you are hearing even more demands for higher product quality and efficacy. And you’re being asked to present your ideas for meeting this challenge to your fellow directors: can we test more? can we test sooner? can we change the scope of testing? can we […]

Workshop: Critical Thinking Skills for Testers – Part 2

Some bugs are obvious. Every test must have an expected, predicted result. Effective testing requires complete, clear, consistent, and unambiguous specifications. Repeated tests are fundamentally more valuable. Testers should never make assumptions. Experience is the best teacher. People shouldn’t argue about semantics. Test automation saves time for exploratory testing later on. If you’re a tester […]

Workshop: Rapid Introduction to Rapid Software Testing – Part 2

Why do we test? What’s the point? We test to develop a comprehensive understanding of the product. We test to find problems that threaten the value of the product, or that threaten the on-time, successful completion of any kind of development work. We test to help the business, managers, and developers decide whether the product […]

Why Are You NOT Performing Risk Analysis to Improve Your Testing?

Face it, the scope and complexities of software testing are increasing significantly as new technologies emerge, applications become more advanced, and users become more astute! The quantity of test conditions and test cases can make the process of testing overwhelming, especially when factoring in aggressive deadlines and a lack of resources. Utilizing a strategic risk-based […]

The Truth! – The Importance of Good Test Data Management

Testing software is hard. Not having an effective test data management strategy makes it even harder. For too often QA is left guessing whether the data they are seeing in their testing environment is correct. This can lead to QA failing tests that should pass or even worse, missing obvious data related issues. In this […]