SmartBear’s Bria Grangard first provides an overview of Shift Left, an approach to software development where quality is considered and testing is performed earlier in the lifecycle, including the three customer values that can be improved. She also shares statistics gathered from a beta program that has been running over the last few months on shifting left, including the importance of thinking about quality in every step. Finally, she talks about Behavior-Driven Development (BDD). What’s the key to success? Start thinking about the software development lifecycle with the end in mind, and how the application should behave from the user’s perspective. There are multiple benefits and challenges of moving to this modern development process, including delivering value more frequently, finding and fixing defects early and often, and better communication and collaboration. But it’s not just the QA’s role or the tester’s role anymore – it’s everyone’s job to think of quality at every step.
Session Takeaways: